Day: January 22, 2020
January 2020 Meeting Post Mortem
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2020. Zarf,, Jake, anjchang, and dan welcome Sara @saragettel (dan’s honored guest). Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos. Recap of 2020 Mystery hunt puzzles, picture puzzles , name of…
December 2019 Meeting Post Mortem
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2019. , , , and welcomed back @skeleton_hugs (Reed). Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos. The group played Tethered on the Ah Machine “drool if you are inside…