November 2019 Meeting Post Mortem

November 2019 Pr-IF attendees

The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on, Tuesday Nov. 12, 2019. Zara. Heflin, hilborn, anjchang .were in attendance.  Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos.

Zara. Heflin, holborn, anjchang
Beta testing fenwicks ferret game
Matt Snyder’s If advent calendar project

IF judging
Lmk Afterparty recommendations by Zarf
Oxenfree was awesome

Manifold garden
Typerider — what anj is playing.

Tying strategy game
Marrow ask

Mutazione. Gardening and small town gossip

Oobles. Dance battle
Heavens vault

$8600 for IFcomp fundraising goal

Get donations in
Inform 7 out with a new Mac build

Next inform release anticipated

Subcutaneous Aaron Reed horror novel procedural generated. Indiegogo

Subq doing a jam about short if
1000 words or less on 15th

Adventures and wordplay in Chicago happened

Costume quest

Tiffany Chen cards if oeces
Leona feeds the cranberry bog. Catcher story

New version of curveship
Python 3 and Javascript demo

Zarf Catalina update for electrode



Demos last this weekend Narrazcope

Invocations by zarf
First one from canonical text
Second he wrote
Fields of words
Boom time the announcers test

Desert starve sandwich
French eat one egg an ouef

IF advent calendar

Ryan Veeders IF exposition due by leap day

Nick showed off some student pieces for PR-iF

Nick on sabbatical
Pr-if will be under construction for Spring term

See you at the next meeting tomorrow, Jan 21st, 6:30pm, in 14E-304. Same building, up the stairs one floor and then back.