The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2020. Zarf,, hilborn, and anjchang, met up. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos.
Zarf brought a copy of Aaron Reed’s procedural novel Subcutanean. Looking forward to getting our own copy.
Narrascope registraton is open. Early-bird price runs through March 31.
Speaker list is finalized, keynote speaker is Xalavier Nelson Jr. author of “Screw You Bear Dad.” Judith Pintar’s logistics in process. Go register!
Gearing up to go to Pax.
Zarf going to GDC in San Francisco next month
Hilborn playing IF at home. We discussed dark themes for youths.
Anj playing Obduction
IF Wrimo hasn’t happened in a while, but maybe it should?
IF Spring thing intent to enter on March 1st
Kentucky Route Zero has been released (started in 2013, polygons and lines). Surreal work draws inspiration from classical Adventure games
Zarf recommends. We looked at the artwork.
Robert Sawyer Canadian IF author mentioned. Heinlein mentioned too.
The Flame in the Flood mentioned
“Everything we do is games” by Doug Orleans, visited in honor of (@DougOrleans)