The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Monday, June 21, 2021. Zarf, ,KaySavetz and Carrington (Eaten By A Grue), NickM, Stephen Eric Jablonski, Hugh Steers, and anjchang welcomed newcomer Dana Freitas. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:
Check out Dana’s Spring Thing entry, Hand of God, made in Twine!
Parser comp deadlines soon
IFcomp kicking off in July, there will be rule changes, previews of things.
Dana is working on a summer project called Salvation.
Hugh reported on a work in progress.
Zarf working on Inform6 compiler, better notifications.
Carrington working on KansasFest work in PunyInform.
A build tool to produce output for PunyInform
Angela and Nick reported that Taper #6 is out at http://taper.badquar.to/6 The call to the next issue is also out, due in August.
Plans for rogue-like celebration, Zarf working on something
In the fall, looking forward to planning Narrascope
IFTF has 9 people on it now! Check out the blog post.
Hugh put forward a proposal about publishing knowledge related to Interactive Fiction. Nick talked about publishing in academia, adventure games, narrative design. Dana talked about codifying knowledge by not having competing standards, Kay sent a link https://xkcd.com/927/
Joseph Weizenbaum’s source code for Eliza is now public:)
Twining, a New book on Twine by Stuart Moulthrop. Open access book free download https://www.fulcrum.org/concern/monographs/ms35tb924?locale=en
Stuart wrote an essay about it https://electronicbookreview.com/essay/why-twining/