Month: September 2021

  • September Meeting Post-Mortem

    The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Monday, September 20, 2021 over zoom.  KaySavetz  (Eaten By A Grue), Zarf,  Hugh, Stephen Eric Jablonski,  Dana, NickM, Hilborn, welcomed newcomer Steve Washington (@esaevian). Thank you Zarf for providing the chat transcript below: EctoComp 2021 has been announced: Trope Tank is still hoping to get set up…

  • August Meeting Post Mortem

    The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on  Tuesday, August 31, 6:30 pm. Zarf,  Hugh (StrandGames),  Dana, Carrington (Eaten By A Grue), NickM, Stephen Eric Jablonski,  Josh Grams,  anjchang, and Dan Boris welcomed newcomer Kathryn Li. IFComp submissions open. Now you can vote on the games Real problem is voting against others. publicity for ifcomp? taper#7 submissions deadline moved…

  • September meetup (online)

    The Boston IF meetup for September will be Monday, September 20, 6:30 pm Eastern time. We will post the Zoom link to the mailing list on the day of the meeting.

  • Update on MIT meetings

    Nick Montfort has passed along some info on the status of returning to in-person meetups at MIT. The upshot is that it is still not possible for the fall semester. The Trope Tank has not yet been moved back out of storage. There are a couple of possible spaces where it might move to, but…