The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Monday, August 29, 2024 over Zoom. Doug, zarf, keltana, Mike Stage, hugh, adri, Stephen (with special guest: Andre the dog!), Josh, Kathryn and Guendoline Linden (not pictured) attended. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just Zarf’s chat log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories. Also thank you to Zarf for taking the group photo.
What happened last month? There are notes!
Recent graphical adventure games:
zarf went to Portland and visited Powell’s Books:
- zarf met up with with Robin Ward, who is working on the remake of The Roottrees Are Dead. Robin Ward posted a screenshot of the Rootrees remake: https://carpdiem.online/@eviltrout/113046882568701834
- Guendoline found copies of the Planetfall and Stationfall novels there.
- zarf also found a CYOA Oregon Trail book, which is unusual in that it uses tabs (like Meanwhile) rather than page numbers! https://www.harpercollins.com/products/pick-your-own-path-on-the-oregon-trail-jesse-wiley
- Is there any relationship between Clarion and Abrams (Meanwhile publisher) to explain this crossover? Nope, Abrams and HarperCollins are separate publishers
- The basic idea is obvious enough, but actually doing the tab layout is a hard problem.
The topic of games that make a political point or argue for a political view:
- Congressional Gerrymandering Redistricting Game
- Emshort’s list of persuasive games
- American Election by Greg Buchanan
- The New York Times Simulator by Molleindustria
- It’s Nicky Case!
- Social Democracy by Red Autumn
- Spend by Neal.fun
- https://direkris.itch.io/you-are-jeff-bezos
- https://papersplea.se/
Another miscellaneous game recommendation:
The Ghost and The Golem
IFComp is real soon! Some people have been playtesting entries.
Doug asked if anybody had plans for EctoComp. Nobody said they were.