Month: November 2010

  • December Meetup

    After you’re done dining for Thanksgiving, and have given your belly a week’s rest, it’s time to join us on Monday, December 6, 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. We don’t have an official agenda yet, and we may not have one until we get…

  • The Lurking Horror: Post Mortem

    The post mortem of our Lurking Horror collaborative play event is now available. Herein, you’ll find a transcript of our play-through, a summary of our tour through the underdark of the MIT campus (including our quest to find the Tomb of the Unknown Tool), and links to plenty of photos.

  • October Event Post Mortem

    On Halloween, the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction hosted a collaborative IF playing of The Lurking Horror. We were joined by the game’s author, David Lebling, who subsequently led a tour through the MIT-based locations of the game. Among the regions we visited were the Department of Alchemy, the Infinite Corridor, and the infamous sub-basements.…