Author: biggles2k

  • IF Weekend in Boston

    Several IF-related events are happening this weekend, so join your friends of the Republic and others. Here’s a quick list of festivities: Gather round the dinner table at The Tavern in the Square (in Central Square) on Friday, July 13th. We’ll be meeting up around 7pm. Just come on in and ask for the Interactive…

  • April Meetup

    It’s been some time since our last meeting, so we’re gathering on Monday, April 30, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). All IF (and game!) enthusiasts are welcome to attend.  As usual, we currently have no agenda, but items that may be discussed: The recently released “Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute…

  • March Meetup

    Yes, it’s short notice, but we’re meeting on Monday, March 12, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. Although no formal agenda has been established, we’re certain to be discussing the winners of the 2011 XYZZY Awards. After our meeting, we’ll retire the evening with…

  • February Meetup

    We’re meeting on Monday, February 27, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. Among other items, we’re certain to be discussing the 2011 XYZZY Awards. After our meeting, we’ll celebrate with food and drink and the usual conversation at the the Cambridge Brewing Company.

  • XYZZY Awards

    The 2011 XYZZY Award nominees have been annouced, and several games written by authors within the People’s Republic are among the contenders. The PR-IF nominees are: For Best Story:“The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M,” by Michael D. Hilborn (writing as Edmund Wells); For Best Individual NPC: The puppy in “Beet the Devil,” by Carolyn…

  • December Meetup

    We’re meeting on Monday, December 12, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. We currently have no agenda other than to simply chill out on a cool December evening, but after our meeting, we’ll celebrate with food and drink and the usual conversation at the…

  • Interactive Fiction Competition 2011

    The 17th annual Interactive Fiction Competition has come and gone, and the members of PR-IF were heavily involved this year, submitting no less than five games to the total of 38 games entered. A quick glance at our contributions: “Beet the Devil” by Carolyn VanEseltine; placed 7th “Cold Iron” by Andrew Plotkin (writing as Lyman…

  • IF at Pollard Memorial Library

    Interactive fiction came to the Pollard Memorial Library in Lowell, Massachusetts on November 2 and 9, 2011, as a group of high school students played Admiral Jota’s “Lost Pig.” Originally, a “mystery club” for middle-schoolers had planned to read “Mrs. Pepper’s Nasty Secret” on those dates, but the older participants appeared at the right place…

  • Spring and Summer Updates

    It’s been a few months since we posted an update, but that doesn’t mean the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction hasn’t been busy. Listed below is a sampling of how we finished up the spring and started up the summer… Meetings We held our monthly meetings, one on Monday, May 9, a second on Monday,…

  • April Meeting Post Mortem

    The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Tuesday, April 19, a nice respite from filing taxes the night before (nobody needed a respite from the marathon since none of us ran it). We had enough people to fill Nick’s office, including two new enthusiasts who felt brave enough to attend our forum after having…