The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction will be spending the last half of October participating in a slew of IF events. Feel free to join us since all adventurers from novice to wizard are welcome to attend.
- Special Halloween Event: The Lurking Horror
Sunday, October 31, 2:00pm – 5:00pm
MIT, Building 4 Room 145On Halloween, we will explore the hallowed halls of G.U.E. Tech, the setting for the Lovecraftian adventure, The Lurking Horror. Author David Lebling, who based this IF classic on his alumna mater, MIT, will join us for this special event. After we finish playing, we’ll tour the campus and visit the locations explored within the game. And, as always, we will stream the playing of the game, if not the tour, via Ustream.
- Collaborative IF Playing Event
Thursday, October 21, 7:30pm – whenever
Tufts University, Center for Scientific Visualization, Anderson Hall — the ViswallAs part of Tuft University’s Interactive Fiction Month, Flourish Klink will host a collaborative IF playing event. In the tradition of our Zork and Lost Pig events, we’ll gather around the terminal (in the guise of a projection screen) whilst one person types, one person narrates, and we all map our way through the game.
- PR-IF General Meeting
Monday, October 25, 6:30pm until we adjourn to the CBC for food and drink
MIT, Nick Montfort’s Office (14N-233)Our monthly meeting will convene at the same time, same place. Our tentative agenda is to play some of the games from this year’s Interactive Fiction Competition.
- IF Writer’s Workshop
Wednesday, October 27, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Tufts University, Mayer Campus Center — the large conference room (yes, that’s what is called)Esteemed IF author Andrew Plotkin will host this workshop where we play your game, then discuss how it plays. So please bring a work-in-progress that can be shared with the group. Don’t worry: Your WIP can be large or small–a single room can suffice–or completely filled with bugs. Just give us chance to have at it.
- Clara Fernández-Vara on Storytelling in Games
Thursday, October 28, 6:00pm – 7:15pm
Tufts University, Halligan 111AGame developer and theorist Clara Fernández-Vara of the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab will be speaking about storytelling in small games. Her lecture, part of Ming Chow’s Game Development class, is open to the public.