Day: December 4, 2011

  • December Meetup

    We’re meeting on Monday, December 12, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. We currently have no agenda other than to simply chill out on a cool December evening, but after our meeting, we’ll celebrate with food and drink and the usual conversation at the…

  • Interactive Fiction Competition 2011

    The 17th annual Interactive Fiction Competition has come and gone, and the members of PR-IF were heavily involved this year, submitting no less than five games to the total of 38 games entered. A quick glance at our contributions: “Beet the Devil” by Carolyn VanEseltine; placed 7th “Cold Iron” by Andrew Plotkin (writing as Lyman…

  • IF at Pollard Memorial Library

    Interactive fiction came to the Pollard Memorial Library in Lowell, Massachusetts on November 2 and 9, 2011, as a group of high school students played Admiral Jota’s “Lost Pig.” Originally, a “mystery club” for middle-schoolers had planned to read “Mrs. Pepper’s Nasty Secret” on those dates, but the older participants appeared at the right place…