August 2018 Meeting Post Mortem

The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Thursday Avgvst 23rd.  Doug, zarf, jmac, Jake, anjchang, R and EricB (feneric), adri, and Naomi H  welcomed newcomers Matt W and long-time friend Reed (aka skeleton_hugs) returning from Pasadena, CA! Warning: what follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:

Speeding to ifcomp
Sept 1 is intents
Sept 28 complete
Oct 1 judging
Newbies get started by Rate 5 games
Fund is up to $3k

Introcomp voting
Space ferrets by R

Boston FIG Sept 29th 9-6 need volunteers

Cragnw Manor participants discussion  Feneric, skeleton_hugs (Reed). Naomi adri
Puzzlegraph neighbors
How everyone worked. Sarah built it all then went on vacation, stopped down stuff
Adrii conference inspired
Reid started iteratively and then didn’t work then stripped things
80 people writing
Ryan’s tweet  was read.

Zarf blogged about first 9 9seconds of Unavowed.
Jake plans to play heaven will be mine
Adri plans to play layers of fear
Jmac playing horror be game, liked layers of fear,
Zarf and jmac think it’s worth playing
Adri going to retro futurism festival this weekend NeonRI
Kevin good new choice of ganea, game Choice of Magic
Doug last game was hero of misery
A gentleman’s murder is out

Pico 8 game being written by EricB (feneric)
Jake played nitsg games
Spacewhale Jam called the Traveler and the Whale
Reed bitsy mmo
Reed working on a tabletop game

Zarf following puzzlescript game by rosden
Hazeldens puzzle. Discord
Vi Hart also working on a puzzle game
Zard parser like game prototype work on progress

Jmac played and enjoyed curse of the garden isle. Being in a Hawaiian island. Out the rocks away. Look at chickens.

First two of the zoo escape game
Jmac see my blog. Fogknife,  The Nonary Games room escape sequences, elegant hint system
Replay value
Old infocom invisihint cluea
Rated r content advisory

Heavens vault games John ingalla

Matt W is writing something called  Zorroberg

EricB accepting entries
Halloween themed
Deadliwn Oct 22

Naomi wrote a play and is acting in it Heroes & Villains
Stephen Granade  and Aaron Reed were at a conference, talking about if conference — so its going around
Webpage almost done
Scott Adams (adventure games international) might be a good speaker. Gloomy room escape company
Stu galley of Infocom passed away
Old infocom office being demolished 🙁
55 wheeler street

Suggestion to dedicate this year’s infocomp Ari Montgomery.

Who won the Hugo
Eb cyoa game card decks
Chris is working on cyoa adventure Odyssey board game
Hoala with verb cards

Zarf saved the URL links of the inform 6 doc
Set up specifications
Zarf visited Iceland and sat on Eve online monument

Jmac IFTF log reading
Liza Daly added to IFTF board
Stone harbour, IFMud
Graham Nelson new to advisory board
Jmac open source article
Focus on accessibility
Two test grants, how to recruit players

Big night

Link to photos.