The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Tuesday, Nov. 13th. Adri, daniel (from Yale), feneric, R, sebb, zarf, nickm, and anjchang interacted with various feelies and viewed a C64 piece.  Warning: what follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:
Seeing interactive fiction feelies from Nick’s class

Stanley parable mentioned
Zarf working on game and platform
zarf visited the If Exhibit in London V&A they had vdeo was with Frank Lantz and other game development works curated.
R’s reviews from introcomp is done, great to get feedback. Checkout her game:  “Space Ferretsâ€
Feneric talked about the annual halloween ghost story contest on Saugus.net. Monthly comp no IF entries, just prose. Note to submit an IF entry next year!
“Minima” release by feneric. It’s a homage to the 8-bit Ultima games and was written within the PICO-8 environment.
It can be downloaded from:
It can be played online at:
Its source code is available at:
feneric recommended game firewatch
zarf mentioned that Wordplay and Adventure happened.
Mark your calendars Boston-area IF convention will be inÂ
June 14-16, 2019.
zarf shared enthusiasm for work release almost being done
Zarf is writing a game, working on dialog
Nick presenting multi-sequential narratives from his interactive Narratives class. He invited us to join in the final projects presentation Dec 12, 2-5PM in room 66-160.
Nick Opened a storefront for bad.quer.to
R is writing a new work called “Space Pirates”
Return of the Obra Dinn. Apple style graphics
Interpreter discussion
Interpreter news about compiling tads to web browser on newsgroups
There is a c64 interpreter that runs well on browser
ScumVm mentioned by zarf
Myst / riven series offered for anniversary is on steam
Daniel writing rule file to MS Basic
Nick c64 one line programs
Talk about teaching prisoners to program python, but javascript is more accessible
Note check out trinket.io if ease of use is desired.
Sebbb/Nick- talk about a virtual console for the web for creating short literary pieces
IBNIZ. Ideally bare numeric impression giZmo–Demoscene VM
Like bytebeat
Pico8 3d console in development
Zarf talked about python interpreter with rule based parsing that spits our data structures
Mystery hunt season is almost here!
Regional sci-fi conference drama
School for Poetic Computation showcase happened
Synchrony will be Jan 11th and 12th
Happy Thanksgiving!