The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.  Zarf, kaysavetz and Carrington (Eaten by a Grue), Stephen Jablonski, Mark Pilgrim, nickm, Hugh Steers, Dave Thompsen, and anjchang welcomed Michael Verdi,   Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:
Kay shared faxprices.com
Carrington to Everyone (6:34 PM)
Carrington – Twitch & Sniff Along- https://tasa.jasbrooks.net
series on twitch where people do a play-through of games with scratch and sniff\
Zarf- MIT Mystery hunt happened -There was one Inform 7 puzzle, carefully engineered to fetch the spoilery responses from server so you couldn’t decompile the game file.
Mentions of Ryan Veeder’s Lurking Horror text puzzle
VCV Rack, Synth pack simulator
Instrument pack from Popcorn song
Lurking Horror II:
Kay and Carrington are still playing Arthur.
Carrington is an Earl. Kay is still a serf. Really enjoying it.
Much better than Shogun. Feels like a Zork game. Mark mentions the DIgital Antiquarian review of Arthur.
Mark P mentions Easter Egg in Thaumistry
Pitch Dark update– Pitch Darker. Non infocom text adventure, like Pitch Dark but volume 2.
New Z3 games — John Wilson made 3 new games compiled in Z3. Works well on 8-bit machines.
Star Wars Episode IV IPv6
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
Zork – check out the Binary from original ITS Mainframe without sword. You can try the ITS environment online! Telnet to its.pdp10.se, port 10003 (telnet its.pdp10.se 10003
). When it says “Connected…”, hit ctrl-Z. Then type :login yourname
. (Any name will work.) Then type :zork
to play.
diff r88 to r119: https://github.com/historicalsource/zork1/commit/87a3b787d166a441cab8d89d87f9a3753d40daa8
Mark does work with classic infocom grades ported to harddrive, lots of apple2 “Pitch Dark” Collection
Narrascope 2021 is taking a break. IFTF is in the process of trying to expand. Michael Verdi reported that he attended virtually and had good feedback.
This past week was Boston Independent Gamed Festival
ARESIA , Readercon SCIFI convention
Maybe a Boston Game Jame
XYZZY Awards planning under way.
Spring Thing is coming along.
Parsercomp Competiton for Parser Games
Stephen mentions his archive of Mac Plus games