The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Monday, July 24. Zarf, Stephen Eric Jablonski, Doug Orleans, Josh Grams, hugh, Andrew Stephens, Kathryn, Dana, and anjchang welcomed Florencia Pierri (_fl0ri_) and Kate from the MIT Museum, and returning friend Chad Elliot. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories.
Stephen finished the Wand and Temple of Shorthill
Doug and Jmac streamed little match girl https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-ib1CPuL7zgHKEG0WGjFQ
Flori and Kate in the MIT Museum, visit to discuss the September meeting. They have 2 big donations of materials from InfoCom. Thursday Sept 14th, 6-9pm, MIT Museum After Dark – There’ll be a DJ – Zarf has a lot of resources. Please mark your availability for: MIT Museum After Dark IF https://whenavailable.com/event/oMMi8w7SCoaTREwp7
People talked about their project in progress:
Hugh working on systems
Andrew Stephens working on a project
Josh made a discord style game for Bez, and working on Jeffrey Gordon piece.
Narrascope happened and was great. Should have videos online soon.
Chad Elliot worked on Scott Adams Game site https://adventure4a.com
Talked about the structure of Scott Adams games.
IFDB issue with InfoCom and Microsoft acquiring InfoCom. Activision gave explicit permission to put things on line.
Doug reading a thread about Hadean Lands.
Discussion that Quite a lot of people play IF on Mobile.
Kathryn playing The Outsider, diagram triangle adventure game descendants of interactive fiction as having puzzle, exploration, story.
Biran Moriarty’s Trinity & Wishbringer
Planet Fall Infocom series story. Novels of games.
Zork book (Cavern of Doom, CYOA)
Nowadays its hard for crossovers (e.g. Heroics in Zork world) Maureen Birbaum, Traction Paradox
Superhero movies vs. Ordinary Heroes. — Invisible Man Adventures. New Futurama episodes.
Dr. Who (Sylvester McCoy)