The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Thursday, August 31, 2023. Kathryn Li, Zarf, Feneric, JPtuttle, Hugh, Flori, Stephen Eric Jablonski, Chris Martens, and anjchang, welcomed newcomer Biyi Wen. Photo credit: Zarf Notes credit: Zarf and Kathryn Li. A special thank you to Kathryn Li and Zarf for the notes and photos from the meeting. The below photo is an edit of the one received from Zarf. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories.

Apple 2c had terrible key rollover. 65C02 processor. 5.25″ floppies.
Angela reports that Baba is You was enjoyed at the Recurse Center. Recently saw the anime film “Humanity has Declined” had a post-apocalyptic story mentioning narratives in comics.
MIT Museum event on 9/13 Everyone needs tickets. If you signed up, Angela will send the list of people to Flori so we all have tickets. Fiori is digitizing and cataloging old snapshots of Infocom, digitizing photos from a large donation of IF history. Their exhibit also includes images and feelies from an Infocom booth.
Boston Festival of Independent Games – old hardware
Zarf working on interpreter bugs.
Someone just republished CityN, 1999 Myst Clone
CM played Mask of the Rose
Elex– Gothic like story
Emily Shorts Choice of Games style Game Platinum Concierge
Biyi is researching media archaeology, working on comparative histories of personal computing, She is studying 80s and 90s computer culture in China. She is visiting MIT from U Colorado Boulder for a Mellon fellowship, and will be in year-long residence at the Trope Tank.
Boston Puzzle Hunt local puzzle hunt. Green Line Extension Theme.
Google Play Developers – TInkerSTories Rerelease due to SDK update. Lack of Space on development environments, recompiling all the time for App Store updates.People trying to update Android apps with the current SDK. (Android and iOS require developers to recompile. Windows doesn’t, which is why Windows has infinite layers of patch built into the OS.). Ruffle —
The state of make tools is horrible today with all the added SDKs.
Books by Steve Jackson Games, a Lovecraftian Choose Your Own Adventure prelaunched on Kickstarter, a set of six games called “Choose Cthulu”
Talk about game books—someone made a multiplayer first person shooter in a book
Ace of Aces – Flight Simulator in 2 Books
Feneric, one week left for introcomp voting
IFcomp is coming up! Submit something.