IF Weekend in Boston

Several IF-related events are happening this weekend, so join your friends of the Republic and others. Here’s a quick list of festivities:

  • Gather round the dinner table at The Tavern in the Square (in Central Square) on Friday, July 13th. We’ll be meeting up around 7pm. Just come on in and ask for the Interactive Fiction group. Or look for us. You know who we are.
  • Rinse off your hangover(s) by attending the No Show Conference on Saturday and Sunday, July 14-15. Lots of IF people will be lurking about, including two of the speakers, Jim Munroe and the Republic’s own Clara Fernández-Vara.
  • There’s more. A lot more. IF author Jim Munroe will be screening the new movie, “Ghost With Shit Jobs” on Saturday, July 14, at 8pm in MIT 10-250. To quote the blurb: “Ghosts With Shit Jobs will be preceded by a conversation with writer and executive producer Jim Munroe, XKCD webcomic creator Randall Munroe (no relation), and interactive fiction guru Andrew Plotkin on the Future of Cultural Work. After the film there will be a Q&A with Anthony Cortese (producer), Sean Lerner (Oscar the Digital Janitor), Jim Munroe (writer/exec producer) and other cast and crew from Toronto!”