Tag: pax east

  • The Second Annual IF Mini-Con Has Come to a Close

    Three days. Three nights. And even longer for those of us who attended dinner on Thursday and finished up with a brunch Monday morning. Although our second Boston gathering has wrapped up, we’re certain that our annual IF mini-cons have not come to an end. Both our hospitality suite and our event room were filled…

  • Day Two: Done. Day Three: Underway

    The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction has opened its hospitality suite for its third and, regrettably, final day. We are hosting one more event: Nick Montfort will present his experimental narration-centric IF development system, Curveship, at 1:30pm. At 3pm we will start deconstructing the suite (actually, we will be throwing it back together lest the…

  • Day One: Complete. Day Two: To Commence

    We finished up our first day here at PAX East, but our second day will be starting up in a few hours. You will find us from noon to midnight in the Alcott conference room in the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. Highlights incude: Speed-IF launch (1:00-1:45 pm) Panel: “Setting as character in narrative games” (2:00-3:00…

  • It Begins Tonight: The Second Annual IF Mini-Con

    Join the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction tonight as we kick off our second annual Interactive Fiction mini-convention for PAX East. Over two dozen IF enthusiasts will be reuniting at the Tavern in the Square this evening at 7pm for dinner, drinks, good conversation, and just plain-old-having-fun. There are still a few seats left (only…

  • Next Meeting: Feb 22

    We’re meeting on Tuesday, February 22, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend.

  • People’s Republic At PAX East 2011

    The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction proudly announces its second annual mini-convention at PAX East 2011 from March 11-13. We welcome all IF enthusiasts to spend some time (or the entire weekend) in our suite located at the Westin Waterfront Hotel (room number to be announced).

  • Summary of April Meeting

    We met on April 12, 2010 at 6:30 pm. in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Here’s the scoop on our meeting.

  • PAX East 2010 Is Over

    PAX East may be over, but the memories will live on. The hospitality suite hosted by the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction was a great success. Long-times fans and newcomers to IF streamed in and out of the suite throughout the weekend, and we were even fortunate to have a few of the original Implementors…

  • PAX East 2010

    The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction is hosting a hospitality suite at the Boston Back Bay Hilton, noon to midnight, from Friday, March 26, through Sunday, March 28. (Okay, on Sunday it’ll only be until 4 pm.) You can find us in room 2305.