Day One: Complete. Day Two: To Commence

We finished up our first day here at PAX East, but our second day will be starting up in a few hours. You will find us from noon to midnight in the Alcott conference room in the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. Highlights incude:

  • Speed-IF launch (1:00-1:45 pm)
  • Panel: “Setting as character in narrative games” (2:00-3:00 pm)
  • IF play event:  Jim Munroe’s Everybody Dies (4:00-6:00 pm)
  • A lightning introduction to Inform 7 (7:00-7:45 pm)
  • IF Demo Fair (8:00-10:00 pm)
  • Speed-IF game play (10:30-11:30 pm)

As for yesterday, details will be forthcoming. Needless to say, the IF Hospitality Suite was packed with fans throughout the day and evening, our own panel was a huge success, and there was a spontaneous trip to the steam tunnels beneath MIT. Many thanks to the regulars and especially the newcomers who participated yesterday. It was a pleasure seeing you all. We hope to see you again today.