Next Meeting: August 30

Our next general meeting is on Monday, August 30, 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. Our tentative agenda is:

  • Be the first to play a new adventure game from the labs of GAMBIT.
  • Hopefully view a few segments of the ambitious IF documentary GET LAMP.
  • Assuming the book has been published by the time the group convenes, scour the pages of Aaron Reed’s Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7.
  • Discuss the winning entries of IntroComp and play the last few games we did not play last time.
  • Perhaps discuss the upcoming Interactive Fiction Month planned by our neighbors at Tufts University.

Once our group discussion has closed, several of us will be heading over to the CBC for food and drinks and general revelry.