Tag: events
Night at the MIT Museum: After Dark Trip Report
You find yourself outside the MIT Museum on a gorgeous afternoon. It’s September 14, 2023, breezy but sunny. The After Dark party starts at 5pm, and you’re right on time. You enter through the glass doors, not knowing what to expect. You recognize a PR-IF friend, Chris Martens, as you look for the desk person…
November Post Mortem
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022 in hybrid format. Zarf, Mike Stage, Michael Hilborn, Hugh, Dana, Rourke, Kyrill, and (at the Trope Tank) anjchang joined Kyler HE to welcome newcomer Emilie Z (in Uber) from Wellesley. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the…
November 2018 Meetup: Post Mortem
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Tuesday, Nov. 13th. Adri, daniel (from Yale), feneric, R, sebb, zarf, nickm, and anjchang interacted with various feelies and viewed a C64 piece.  Warning: what follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Seeing interactive fiction feelies from Nick’s…
IF Weekend in Boston
Several IF-related events are happening this weekend, so join your friends of the Republic and others. Here’s a quick list of festivities: Gather round the dinner table at The Tavern in the Square (in Central Square) on Friday, July 13th. We’ll be meeting up around 7pm. Just come on in and ask for the Interactive…
IF at Pollard Memorial Library
Interactive fiction came to the Pollard Memorial Library in Lowell, Massachusetts on November 2 and 9, 2011, as a group of high school students played Admiral Jota’s “Lost Pig.†Originally, a “mystery club†for middle-schoolers had planned to read “Mrs. Pepper’s Nasty Secret†on those dates, but the older participants appeared at the right place…
Spring and Summer Updates
It’s been a few months since we posted an update, but that doesn’t mean the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction hasn’t been busy. Listed below is a sampling of how we finished up the spring and started up the summer… Meetings We held our monthly meetings, one on Monday, May 9, a second on Monday,…
The Second Annual IF Mini-Con Has Come to a Close
Three days. Three nights. And even longer for those of us who attended dinner on Thursday and finished up with a brunch Monday morning. Although our second Boston gathering has wrapped up, we’re certain that our annual IF mini-cons have not come to an end. Both our hospitality suite and our event room were filled…
Day Two: Done. Day Three: Underway
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction has opened its hospitality suite for its third and, regrettably, final day. We are hosting one more event: Nick Montfort will present his experimental narration-centric IF development system, Curveship, at 1:30pm. At 3pm we will start deconstructing the suite (actually, we will be throwing it back together lest the…
Day One: Complete. Day Two: To Commence
We finished up our first day here at PAX East, but our second day will be starting up in a few hours. You will find us from noon to midnight in the Alcott conference room in the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. Highlights incude: Speed-IF launch (1:00-1:45 pm) Panel: “Setting as character in narrative games” (2:00-3:00…
It Begins Tonight: The Second Annual IF Mini-Con
Join the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction tonight as we kick off our second annual Interactive Fiction mini-convention for PAX East. Over two dozen IF enthusiasts will be reuniting at the Tavern in the Square this evening at 7pm for dinner, drinks, good conversation, and just plain-old-having-fun. There are still a few seats left (only…